Thomas Frieden-搜索结果

  • 完全可控 Totally Under Control


    导演:亚历克斯·吉布尼, Ophelia Harutyunyan, Suzanne Hillinger   编剧:

    主演:Shear, 唐纳德·特朗普, Scott Becker, Taison Bell, Michael Bowen, Rick Bright, Beth Cameron, Caroline Chen, Thomas

      On digital this October.
      On January 20th, 2020 the US and South Korea both discovered their first cases of COVID-19. However, 9 months later, the novel Coronavirus has claimed the lives of over 200,000 Americans and caused staggering economic damage, while in South Korea, there were no significant lockdowns and, in an urbanized population of 51 million, only 344 lives have been...

  • 福奇 Fauci


    导演:约翰·霍夫曼, 珍妮特·托比亚斯   编剧:

    主演:Peter Staley, 安东尼·福奇, 博诺, 比尔·盖茨, 乔治·W· 布什, Francis Collins, Jennifer Fauci, Thomas Frieden, Laurie Garrett
